Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Moving on, Starting fresh

Some wonder why we moved across the country from family and friends. Especially to Sin city, with 2 small kids....
Here's the low down on our decision....
1. the economy is bad everywhere you look, regardless where you live, you are effected by it. We were struggling in Chicago, Taxes were high and the return of work was not steady enough for us to survive the rest of the year, let alone the future.
2. We wanted something better for our kids, and the future is brighter here, at least for us. Yes Las Vegas is struggling, but not in the industry that my husband works in. Here it is actually thriving! He has made more here in the last 2 months then we had in 4 back in Chicago.
3. We have no true desire to gamble our hard earned money at the casinos.....Don't get me wrong, I have gambled a bit but whats 10 bucks in 2 months??
4. We will not fail, Adam and I work hard everyday to keep our heads up and move forward, we lean on each other to strive here, as we only have each other and I love that! Back in Chicago we had too many hands in our business and I was growing weary of how that would effect us in the long run....

Those are a few reasons as to why we moved on and went forward with the move to Vegas. A City that is truly a "city" all to its own. Honestly it should be its own country! we are so far secluded in this vast country, and I feel like I live in a crater of beautiful mountains, instead of staring at corn fields and rain.....

We are all struggling to live nowadays, but if we don't see past all negatives, you really can't move on to the better things in life.


Unknown said...

I figured you do what YOU need to do for your family! That is what is more important! Glad to hear he is thriving in the new city! :)

AngelEyes World said...

Thanks Kristin!! We are trying and thats all we do! :-)